Rent out apartment

We take responsibility for renting out your apartment to the best possible tenant and at the highest price

We've rented out homes to employees of the absolute biggest companies in Denmark

Københavns Universitet
Danske Bank

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How to make the most of renting out your apartment with Home Connector

In recent years, due to the relatively high demand, the market for apartments in both Copenhagen and Aarhus has been lucrative for Danish landlords. This means that many private landlords have moved into waters that can sometimes be unpredictable and, for some, outright expensive - Our job and justification in the market are not only to provide you with the best possible legal assistance, but also help you through the pitfalls that can damage your cash flow during the rental period.

We will rent out your apartment solely to a professional network of companies and reliable Danish tenants.

Rent out your home professionally

Rent out apartment

Putting security first

Putting security first

If we could not offer you a more secure rental of your apartment than you yourself could handle, we would have no justification in the rental market. Our understanding of people, behaviour, rental law and the market constitute the key to our customers’ sense of security during the rental period.

Home Connector does not simply rent out your apartment to a random number in the range of potential tenants. We make sure that the person who will live in your apartment is a perfect match vis-à-vis both location and property.

To this end, Home Connector has developed a simple, secure management system, which dispels our customers’ fear and invests us with the role of intermediary in their rental. Read more about our management system here

It is all about a reliable network of tenants and competent administrative procedures - How we make the most of renting out your apartment

  • Researching the market and potential tenants
  • Evaluation of property, including risk profile
  • Strategy for marketing your apartment
  • Screenings of tenants, including RKI
  • Drawing up contract, incl. feedback and advice
  • Correspondence with companies/tenants
  • Conclusion, moving in and key transfer
  • Total administration and security throughout the rental period.

Rent out apartment

How to get off to a good start

If you are going to rent out your apartment, there are some choices to make and some things to think about. The most important issue is to consider the duration of the rental period. Should you rent out your apartment on a fixed-term or indefinite basis? If you are going to rent it out on a fixed-term basis, do you have a good, objective reason? Do you know the rules for termination by your tenant?

You also need to consider why you want to rent, income and what type of tenant you want to live in your home. The better-prepared you are when embarking upon the rental process, the better the experience you will have. If you make sure you clue up on the various pitfalls and thoroughly screen your tenants, your apartment will stand idle for less time (while also guaranteeing you a good source of income) Read more.

We calculate your rent for you

Determining the price when renting out your apartment

You may find it difficult to figure out how to determine the right rent for your apartment. It is not as complicated as it may seem. Read on.

This means that you can determine your rent on the basis of the following three principles:

  1. The value of the rented property
  2. The market rent
  3. The regulated rent

You can always get your rent pre-approved in your municipality’s rent appeals board. This costs approximately DKK 500.

There is nothing illegal about advertising your apartment at a ‘high’ price. you will not be fined or thrown in jail if a tenant complains about your rent. However, you should be aware that your tenant may have the rent reduced (if incorrectly determined), and that in itself is a ‘fine’.

If your tenant complains about the rent after the 12th month, your rent will be reduced as from the date the decision was made and going forward. If your tenant complains before the 12th month of your rental period, it is retroactive (and it can be expensive).

Get help calculating your rent

We have combined every thing you need to know about how to determine the right rent for your apartment.

Calculate Rent

Good Tenants = Good Times

How to find the best tenant for your apartment

When selecting tenants for your apartment, it is a good idea to consider finding a tenant who can help create a harmonious building. What do we mean by that? Whether or not you intend to return to the apartment, or opt for a fixed-term lease or indefinite lease, it is preferable to maintain a good relationship with your neighbours. If, for example, you have a flat in a quiet building, whose residents are mainly over the age of 60, you should not rent out the apartment on a shared basis to 2-3 students who throw a party every other weekend. That could give rise to disputes with the neighbours, since they are naturally used to a peaceful building.

So try to find tenants for your apartment that are appropriate to the building and to the temperament of the other residents. This will make your rental period more pleasant, with happy neighbours and happy tenants. Of course, the same applies to renting out a house, where there are also neighbours.

What Was That About a Deposit?

Prepaid Rent and Security Deposit

As a landlord you can request a security deposit from your tenant. The deposit acts as a kind of security for you as a landlord, ensuring that the tenant maintains his/her obligations when it comes to moving out. You can use the deposit for any repairs, to pay any of the tenant’s utilities arrears etc.

You cannot ask for more than the equivalent of 3 months’ rent as deposit. However, basically, when you sign the contract, be prepared to repay the full deposit to the tenant and do not expect to use the deposit to refurbish the apartment when the tenant moves out. See the point about upkeep.

You can also choose to require the tenant to prepay some rent. But again you cannot ask for more than 3 months’ rent in advance.

Many people misunderstand the term \‘prepaid rent\'. In brief, prepaid rent is rent for the final months the tenant lives in your apartment. In other words, prepaid rent does not serve as a deposit and cannot be used as compensation for any default on the part of the tenant. It can be used solely as security for payment of rent during the tenant’s notice period.


When drawing up the lease, you can opt to include the tenant’s complete obligations in terms of upkeep, both inside and outside, although it is most usual to include only internal upkeep. This means that the tenant must clean, maintain locks/keys, flush drains/toilets etc. However, please be aware that the tenant has no obligation to return the apartment in better condition than when he/she moved into it.

So what can a landlord ask for?

Under a lease concluded after 1 July 2015, according to Section 98 of the Rent Act, you can demand normal refurbishment/repair on the part of the tenant. This involves necessary white-washing, wallpapering and painting, and painting of woodwork and metal. However, you should be aware that there may be signs of normal wear and tear, and these are not the tenant’s liability.

Data driven prices
Historical rent
Minimal churn

A correct evaluation provides the best marketing

Evaluation when renting out your apartment with Home Connector

As mentioned, there are many ways in which you can determine your rent. This is naturally our starting point too when we evaluate your apartment. At Home Connector, we make a virtue of coming up with a reasonable rent, while also finding you the best tenant. These are inextricably linked.

If the rent for your apartment is overpriced, you are not guaranteed to attract the desired volume of tenants, and you will also scare away good, reliable tenants. When evaluating your apartment, we review the budgets of our network, we inspect the condition and equipment of, and in the apartment, and we take into account the location of the apartment.

People often ask us about the difference between renting a apartment and selling a flat in terms of fixtures and fittings in the property. It is not as important to a tenant that you have a fabulous Gaggenau kitchen or an older one from IKEA as it would be for a potential buyer. So, the most important issue is for your home to look neat, tidy and clean. Therefore, you do not need to spend money on changing your kitchen and bathroom before choosing to rent out your apartment. You will not make your money back by renting out the apartment.

No security without insurance

Insuring an apartment when renting it out

When you rent out your apartment, the only insurance that is relevant on your (the landlord’s) part is the fire insurance of the main building. Any other insurance beyond the fire insurance of the main building is not your (the landlord’s) concern.

Remember, it is not compulsory to take out home insurance in Denmark. But note in Section 11 of the lease that the tenant must take out insurance for housing, glass and sanitation. If you rent out your apartment furnished, the same applies. Your tenant must take out insurance for your furniture as they are included as part of the lease and the ‘equipment’ you provide.

We offer comfort and trust

Tax calculation in connection with renting out an apartment.

When you rent out your apartment in Denmark, you basically have to pay tax on your rental income. You can choose to use the basic allowance method, the return on capital tax scheme or the business tax scheme.

Gode tips og tricks

4 Quick Tips

1. Conduct a thorough move-in inspection with photo documentation

  • By conducting a thorough move-in inspection, you have proof of the condition of the apartment when conducting a moving-out inspection and can prove the condition in which the apartment must be returned to you.
  • The tenant has 14 days (from the beginning of the tenancy) to notify the landlord of any errors and defects in the lease in writing (which were not discovered during the move-in inspection). After the 14 days, the tenant’s right to claim for errors and defects in the property lapse.

2. Pets allowed - yes or no?

  • By allowing pets, you get a larger volume of potential tenants for your apartment (always check the statutes of your home owners’ association first)
  • If damage is caused to the property as a result of pets, this can be deducted from the deposit unless the tenant has repaired the damage on his own before vacating the apartment. In other words, you do not lose anything by allowing pets.

3. Termination of the lease: When am I allowed to do this?

  • Under Sections 82-83 of the Danish Rent Act, you can terminate your tenant’s lease with no less than 12 months’ notice of termination, on the grounds that you have to return and live in the property.

4. We will always be ready to help you at any time

  • Do you still think it all seems incomprehensible? Relax. So do 99% of all the people who contact Home Connector. Write or call us and we will help you determine an appropriate rent for your home.

Or call us at 4648 1234

What our customers say

We rarely brag but our customer do

Virkelig kompetente folk! Ikke nok med en suveræn hurtig eksekvering, men lejerne Home Connector har fundet, ville jeg ikke selv have haft mulighed for, at komme i kontakt med. Hvis jeg kunne, fik Maiken og hendes team 10 stjerner.

Christopher Carlsen

Grundig orientering og lydhørhed over for udlejers ønsker Jeg har været meget glad for samarbejdet med HomeConnector. Rasmus lyttede til mig mht. huslejen - ikke noget med overbud, og udlejningen gik meget hurtigt med grundig orientering om de forskellige mulige lejere fra HomeConnector.

Elisabeth Pedersen

Det var en fornøjelse at have HomeConnector ombord da vi skulle leje huset ud. De fandt en god familie til os og gjorde meget af benarbejdet med kontrakt og overdragelse. Jeg vil klart bruge dem en anden gang og har anbefalet dem til en god kollega som også vil leje ud.

Timothy Arnold

Imponerende kundekreds og fik klaret opgaven meget tilfredsstillende Home Connector fandt en sød lejer på godt 90 dage. Det er en fin liggetid prisen taget i betragtning. De har en rigtig god kreds af potentielle lejere og gør meget ud af at screene og præsentere dem så man føler sig tryg som udlejer. Vores kontrakter med Home Connector er korte, præcise og lette at forstå. Meget forfriskende med et firma som kan gøre det så enkelt og effektivt.

Maria Fryksten

Jeg havde Home Connector til at hjælpe mig med at udforme min udlejningskontrakt. Jeg fik en meget professionel behandling samt uddybende forklaringer på telefon flere gange gennem forløbet. Jeg kan klart anbefale Home Connector til andre.

Mads Jakobsen

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Or contact us by phone: 4648 1234