Renting out homes to Denmark’s most secure network of tenants
We connect your home with the best tenants in Denmark and make renting out your property as secure as possible. Screened tenants, secure rental contracts, constant dialogue and a high level of service.
4 good reasons why you should consider using Home Connector for renting out your home.
High rental rate
We rent out more than 95% of all the homes on our books
Fewer complaints
Our rate of complaints to the rent appeals board is less than 0.1%
Performed by specialists
Leases and terms of contract are drawn up exclusively by specialists in home rental
Satisfied customers
We are Denmark’s highest-rated home-rental company on Trustpilot
Find the perfect home for you
View a selection of our available homes here
We match your home with the best tenant
Home Connector provides a sense of security for both the landlord and the tenant throughout the rental period with a full management package
Our network speaks for itself - we work with more than 200 companies, including

En professionel boligudlejning via Home Connector giver dig tryghed, stabil indkomst og “ro-på-settet”. Vores services er udviklet til danske udlejere og sørger for at stille dig bedst muligt i dit lejeforhold, men en komplet boligudlejning betyder samtidig, at din lejer skal føle sig tilpas, serviceret og tryg i både aftaleforhold samt i selve lejemålet.
Vi skaber rammen for transparens for begge parter, giver jer den bedste start på jeres boligudlejning og ser til at du som udlejer opnår den ønskede indtægt og lejer den gnidningsfrie lejeperiode.
Siden 2010 har vi opbygget vores kunders boligudlejninger med omhu og ikke overladt noget til tilfældigheder. Det sikrer dig/jer at udlejningen bliver en succes, præcis som det skal være.
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